Monday, February 9, 2009

Smaller Knee Brace

So although it's not exactly brand new I am just now getting around to putting up pictures of my new brace. It's definately not what I thought it would be. But apparently this one is supposed to be better than those black metal ones you see around (or that Jensa wears ;) ) Anyway, I really only have to wear this one if I'm working out, playing sports, or walking where it's super icy and what not. I'm pretty dang excited that I never have to wear my other one again!!!

Also... I just went to my last physical therapy session last friday. And although I still have to work with the school trainer, that's still 4 more hours a week that I don't have to spend working on my knee!!!! =)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

You are still the hottest red head! However, all the tricks that worked with your other brace still apply now for the guys.